Cute Bytes: Dogs

by Jonathan Sescon

Just because CompSAt’s motto is “Learn I.T., Use I.T., Share I.T.”, that does not mean that all we care about are computers and tech-related things. If there’s anything that will make many (although sadly, not all since some are clearly mistaken) CompSAt members fall on their knees squealing until rainbows come bursting out of their hearts, it would be dogs.

Scientifically known as Canis Familiaris, dogs are carnivores that descended from wolves. They accompanied humans and proved themselves useful as companions; hence, they had the advantage of being reared by humans and not being used for food (except in East Asia). Upon developing more traits such as general usefulness to humans and drop-dead cuteness, dogs have cemented their position as man’s best friend.

Dogs now generally take the role of companions. They areusually found in pictures online. Just visit Dogs are only second to cats when it comes to Internet presence. The picture above, by French artist Berunov, is a Corgi rendition of the motion-captured Navy Seal Dog in Call of Duty.


The Navy Seal Dog from Call of Duty: Ghost’s trailer.

If dogs are very much loved by the Internet folks and they are already invading video games, then dogs are very much loved by CompSAt members too. Here are some quotes from members regarding dogs:

“… they are cute.” – Pananampalataya

“They bring happiness.” – Lola

“Corgi!” – Random Girl

“I don’t hate (dogs). Pero wala akong alam sa kanila.” – Bunny

From the Corgi Dogs Facebook page.

These are CompSAt members, who are meant to work in IT-related roles in large companines or institutions, saying that dogs have some kind of power in them that sucks away hate. It would not be surprising to hear that being with dogs reduces blood pressure. Hence, a university created a puppy room that students can visit during finals [1].

Puppies for college students [1].

See? Dogs can still…








… our lives.

[1] American Kennel Club. URL=

[2] Aww Subreddit. URL=

[3] Corgi Dogs. URL=

[4] Gaming Subreddit. URL=

[5] Infinity Ward. Call of Duty: Ghosts. Published by Activision Blizzard. URL=

[6] Knowyourmeme. I have no idea what I’m Doing. URL=

[7] TURNER, D. Colleges Turn To Dogs To Break The Stress Of Final Exams, Lift Spirits. Huffington Post. URL=

[8] The Huffington Post. Dalhousie Puppy Room a Huge Hit (Video) URL=

[9] We Dogs Inc. Aspin (Philippine Native Dog) URL =

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